We welcome all to our worship services that begin at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. We blend both contemporary and traditional styles following the yearly church calendar with Communion served on the first Sunday of each month. Each Sunday there is a special children’s sermon early in the service, after which the children can go to Sunday school or the nursery, or stay in the service. We have special worship services throughout the year to celebrate such as World Communion, Martin Luther King Jr., Animal Blessing, and Earth Day.
It doesn’t matter what you wear. Some people wear suits or dresses; others come in casual slacks, jeans or shorts. You are welcome regardless of what you decide to wear.
We will not ask you to stand up and introduce yourselves. Our services are informal, fairly traditional, but with a variety of music. Our chancel choir normally sings at the 10:00am service. Our worship band sings usually on the 2nd Sunday of the month. There is a “children’s time” and our pastor or a member of the congregation uses stories and open ended conversations with the children and they teach us with their questions and laughter. The service usually lasts 55-65 minutes. Generally we rise for prayers and songs.
Yes. To encourage the presence and participation of children, we make available "worship totes" filled with learning activities for our youngest worshipers and also set aside a special time in the service for a story or conversation specifically with them. Volunteer child care is available during the worship service in our well-equipped nursery for infants or toddlers, but parents are welcome to keep their children with them throughout the service if they wish. We have a high tolerance for the joyful noises of little ones. We have a small area in the sanctuary with plush toys and quiet activities. A number of our young families choose to sit in that area.
No. The offering part of the service is our way of giving back to God for the many blessings we have received, but there is no obligation to make a contribution.
The sacrament of Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month. Presbyterian Church of the Apostles is an inclusive church. If you desire to follow the ways of Jesus, you are welcome to participate. Gluten-free bread is provided for those who are gluten intolerant. Children are welcome to participate as well, if parents allow.
Yes. There are many handicapped parking spaces available outside the main doors. We have members who use wheelchairs, walkers, oxygen, and canes and access to the building is all on one level.
The meaning of baptism for Apostles Church is a sacrament (Holy Moment) to publicly welcome children into the community of faith. Baptism is a visible sign that your child is God’s beloved. At the same time, the congregation promises to be in covenant with you and your child and promises to nurture, teach and love them. Please set up a time to visit with our pastor for more information.
The meaning of marriage at Apostles Church is the unique commitment between two people to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. We do expect the couple to do marriage counseling and plan the wedding with our pastor. If you are not a part of this congregation and want to use the sanctuary, please set up a time to visit with our pastor.
Funerals and memorial services at the Presbyterian Church of Apostles Church are always a witness to the resurrection — that is to say; we have the opportunity to witness new life for our beloved who has crossed over to a much larger room. We also recognize the new life in ourselves. Our life too has been changed forever. Our pastor will work with families to create a worship experience that gives thanks for the gift of your loved one’s unique life and God’s promises in life and death.